GitHub is a cloud-based platform that helps developers store, manage, and collaborate on software projects.

This document explains how an organisation can connect to Github issues into Ocular.

Obtaining the Github Personal Token

  1. Navigate to Github Docs to create a Github Personal Token.

  2. Navigate To The Github repo you want to index and get the organisation and name.

  1. Navigate to the Github App in Ocular and use personal_access_token, organisation_name and repository_name to start indexing.

Installing the GitHub Connector

To install a connector in your backend, add the connector to the Ocular config file in your backend.

The following config files are currenlty supported

  • core-config-local.js - for running Ocular in Docker.
  • core-config-dev.js - for running Ocular in development mode.

Set the following in the core-config-xxx.js apps section.

apps: [
      resolve: `github`,
      options: {
        redirect_uri: `${UI_CORS}/dashboard/marketplace/github`,
        // Rate limiter options for regulating the calls to the Github api.
        rate_limiter_opts: {
          requests: 60, // Number of Requests
          interval: 60, // Interval in Seconds
        // Authentication Strategy For Ocular. Set to API Token since we are using an API token for Github in this case.
        auth_strategy: AppAuthStrategy.API_TOKEN_STRATEGY,