The Confluence connector integrates Confluence with Ocular, enabling seamless indexing of Confluence pages, spaces. This integration allows users to search and analyze Confluence content within Ocular, enhancing visibility and collaboration across teams. By leveraging the Confluence connector, developers can ensure that all relevant documentation and knowledge base articles are easily accessible and searchable in one centralized location.

πŸ”‘ Creating API Token

  1. Visit My-Profile in your browser.

  2. Click the Create API Token button.

  1. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token like Ocular AI Integration and click create.

  2. Click Copy to clipboard, then paste the token elsewhere to save.

πŸ”’ Note:

  • For security reasons, it isn’t possible to view the token after closing the creation dialog; if necessary, create a new token.
  • You should store the token securely, just as for any password.

🧩 Installing the Confluence Connector


To install a connector in your frontend, navigate to marketplace and select Confluence app and provide the Ocular AI Integration Token.

  1. In the Username of Confluence Cloud feild enter the email address of the user who created the Confluence cloud instance.

  2. In API Token, enter the API Token generated in the previous step.

  3. In Domain Name, enter the Domain Name of the Confluence Cloud instance. For example, if the Confluence Cloud instance is, then the domain name is

πŸ”’ Note:

  • Make sure you pass the correct domain name, username, and API token.


To install a connector in your backend, add the connector to the Ocular config file in your backend.

The following config files are currently supported:

  • core-config-local.js - for running Ocular in Docker.
  • core-config-dev.js - for running Ocular in development mode.

Set the following in the core-config-xxx.js apps section:

apps: [
    resolve: `confluence`,
    options: {
      // Rate limiter options for regulating the calls to the Confluence cloud API.
      rate_limiter_opts: {
        requests: 10, // Number of Requests
        interval: 1, // Interval in Seconds
      // Authentication Strategy for Ocular. Set to API Token since we are using an API token for Confluence in this case.
      auth_strategy: AppAuthStrategy.API_TOKEN_STRATEGY,